Monoliths are Like Bellybuttons - Everyone Has One

Monoliths are Like Bellybuttons


Think of your startup’s software architecture as a bellybutton - it’s something every startup has, often starting out as a simple, unassuming monolith. Much like bellybuttons, monoliths come in various shapes and sizes, but they all share a common trait: simplicity at the start. Yet, as anyone who’s ever gazed down at their navel can attest, simplicity can quickly give way to complexity. Let’s dive into the world of monolithic architectures, exploring their quirks, challenges, and the inevitable journey towards more segmented, microservice-oriented structures.

The Innies and Outies: Types of Monoliths

In the early days of a startup, a monolithic architecture - where your application is a single, indivisible unit - makes sense. It’s like a newborn’s bellybutton: straightforward, with everything packed neatly inside. But just as there are innies and outies, monoliths too come with their own unique characteristics. Some are tightly integrated, with every part of the application deeply interconnected (the innie), while others might have loosely coupled components but still operate under a single codebase (the outie).

Pros: In the beginning, this simplicity is a boon. Deployment is straightforward, development tools are simpler, and the team can move quickly.

Cons: However, as the startup grows, this monolith can become a tangled mess. Complexity escalates, making it harder to implement new features, fix bugs, or adopt new technologies. It’s like finding lint in your bellybutton - the bigger it gets, the more stuff gets stuck.

Why Monoliths Turn into Mazes

As startups scale, the initial efficiency of a monolith turns into its Achilles’ heel. Imagine a team of developers trying to navigate a spaghetti codebase: productivity slows, and the risk of breaking unrelated parts of the application with a single change increases. This complexity is a byproduct of success but can hamper further growth.

Moreover, as the company grows, so does the team. The once small, manageable group splinters into specialized units. Here lies the conundrum: how can you maintain small, focused teams when everyone is tinkering with the same codebase?

Small Teams, Big Monolith: A Balancing Act

The key to balancing small teams with a monolithic architecture lies in modularization within the monolith. Think of it as organizing your closet: everything is in one place, but socks and shirts have their separate drawers.

Teasing Apart the Monolith: The First Cut

The transition from a monolithic architecture to a microservices-based one is akin to moving out of your parents’ house. It’s about gaining independence, but it needs careful planning.

  1. Identify Boundaries: Start by identifying logical boundaries within your application. These are potential service boundaries. Look for areas of the application that change at different rates or have different scalability requirements.

  2. Decouple Gradually: Begin by decoupling these identified components from the rest of the monolith. This process is like untangling headphones; patience is key. Focus on creating clear APIs for communication between these newly independent services and the remaining monolith.

  3. Iterate and Refine: With each component you separate, learn and refine your approach. It’s a journey of discovery, finding the right balance between independence and cohesion.

Nurturing Your Architectural Ecosystem

As you tease apart your monolith, you’re not just breaking down a codebase; you’re building a more resilient and adaptable architectural ecosystem. This transition enables your teams to innovate and scale their services independently, much like how different organs in the body function autonomously yet cohesively.


Monoliths, much like bellybuttons, are a natural starting point. They embody the simplicity and unity of early-stage startups. However, as your startup matures, embracing the complexity of growth means evolving your architecture. By thoughtfully segmenting your monolith, you enable your teams and technology to scale harmoniously.

Remember, the goal isn’t to rid yourself of the monolith entirely but to ensure your architectural choices support your team’s efficiency and your product’s growth. Just as every bellybutton has its story, so does every monolith its journey. Here’s

to navigating yours with insight, patience, and a dash of humor.

Ready to start the journey of transforming your monolith but unsure where to begin? At ScaleReady Consulting, we’re experts at guiding startups through this exact transition. Let’s make your architectural evolution as seamless as possible, together.